21357 Redmond Ave., Eastpointe, MI 48021 info@giannahouse.org (586)445-0440

Host an Event

Host an Event 

If you’re wondering, “How can I give back to our community?” Here is your chance!

  • Have an informal get-together with your friends, co-workers, or family, and giving back to Gianna House.  How you choose to give back will be up to the host of the party.  It could be in the form of cash, diaper drives, or needs of the girls!
  • We can also have someone from Gianna House come speak and provide information on the home,  our mission and programs.

Contact Gianna House today and we will put together a packet of information to get you started.

Hold a Product Drive

Show your support for Gianna House by advertising that you are doing a fundraiser and donations can be dropped off at your business, organization or church.  Picking products that customers can purchase in your store is a great win-win for both GH and your business.  A great example is a diaper drive!

If you are interested in holding a Product Drive, please contact info@giannahouse.org